Luís F. Seoane

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC )
Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology (CNB)
Darwin Street 3, 28049, Madrid, Spain.
Interdisciplinary Group for Complex Systems (GISC)


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Brief Bio:

I am a Physicist and Computational Neuroscientist by training. I'm interested in Complex Systems in general, but for my PhD I focussed on Multi Objective (or Pareto) Optimality, for which we uncovered deep connections with Statistical Mechanics. Based on that, we explored phase transitions in Complex Networks and the relationship between Pareto optimality and critical systems (paper coming soon!). In parallel to my PhD, these years I've been exploring statistic mechanical and information theoretical aspects of non-equilibrium social systems and living systems. While I visit very disparate topics, some principles and tools underlie all my research, most importantly (multi-objective) optimality and information theoretical concepts such as MaxEnt models.

Some nice research I've made:

  • My degree thesis was about the dynamics of language competition, where the implications of bilingualism for language coexistence was explored. A lasting collaboration with Jorge Mira and colleagues in Santiago de Compostela stems from there. We develop this work now affiliated to the Real Academia Galega (Galician Royal Academy).
  • For my Master Thesis a means for neural cryptography was broken for the first time.
    • (I have some ideas of how to break other safe implementations: ude.fpu|enaoes.siul#pleh annaw uoy od?)

I currently pursue a PhD degree at the Complex Systems Lab of the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona under the supervision of Ricard Solé. Thanks to this I could visit the Santa Fe Institute, a paradise for cutting edge research! I got my degree on Physics from the University of Santiago de Compostel in Galicia, Spain and my Master from the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience associated to the Technische Universität of Berlin. My degree and master training included one year abroad at the University of Heidelberg in Germany and another one at the Statistical Physics Group of the University of Granada, Spain, where I would return for a research stage. I also completed training periods at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg and at the GSI particle accelerator in Darmstadt.